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The Wonderful Colorful World of Hervé Tullet

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Colors and Design as a Game

Have you ever seen or heard of Hervé Tullet’s picture books? They are a marvelous romp of color and whimsy, I had the pleasure of receiving Press Here as a gift for my daughter a few years back. Up to this day, and now my toddler son too, it is one of the most read books in our house. In the book the children get to press different colored circles and “make things” happen: make the circles change colors, change places, change size. It’s wonderful in its simplicity and ingenuity, and helps kids play with their sense of wonder and imagination.


A few years later I also got The Game of Mix and Match which is a Board Book to make different figures by flipping the boards, as they all have half a drawing of something to match a half drawing of something else. My son, now 18 months old, can spend a long time flipping back and forth through all the different possibilities. 


I also got Juego de Leer a Ciegas, translated to English as The Book of Let’s Go. This one is a continuous velvet line set on cardboard that you can follow with your finger throughout the pages — its title in French is actually “The Game of Closed Eyes.”  


Regardless of whether the focus of the book is either stimulating sight or touch, once and again I’ve found Hervé Tullet’s books to be a wonderful world for little children to explore. If you want to find something great to give to new parents, or a curious little child, I would definitely look into any of his fabulous books. As for me, I’m looking forward to reading The Game of Red, Yellow and Blue, as well as Mix it up! to my little one…

Kid Lit Blog Hop

About Erika

Worked in film and TV for several years before having my two wonderful children. Now I try to bring that creative input into my home to raise my kids. Hope you enjoy following this journey!
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  1. Herve Tullet’s books are great aren’t they. We love Mix it Up too.

    Hopping by from the Kid Lit Blog Hop 🙂

  2. Great review, thanks! I know our Art Teacher uses Mix It Up with the students, and they really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing with #KidLitBlogHop!

  3. More books to add to our reading list! These will be so much fun for my daughter!

  4. Hervé Tullet is such a genius – he totally gets kids! He has such a unique and recognizable style. Thanks for sharing in the Kid Lit Blog Hop!

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