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A surrealistic potty poem by a 5 year-old

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Fancy Nancy Poet Extraordinaire

Little I has been into poetry lately, thanks to the Jane O’Connor’s “Fancy Nancy’s Poet Extraordinaire” book.

She has also been getting herself in trouble because of using potty talk at inappropriate times… meaning, anytime she’s not at the potty. She thinks it is hilarious, but hubby and I think she needs to learn what is acceptable and what isn’t. We are social beings, after all. In any case, I wanted to share what she did, as I think most “forbidden things” spark creation to find acceptable ways to communicate unacceptable topics. So here it is, a surrealistic Potty Poem by a 5 year-old (My girl is learning early…)

Tittel tittel Thai (I’ve taken the liberty to translate her phonetic writing into a more conventional format)

I once went out for dinner
for Thai lay pie food
not dye food — that’s silly.
I needed to go to the bathroom
but I saw the potty on the ceiling.

And when it was time to eat
my food was filthy
but that doesn’t matter.
That was me,
the person who spoiled dinner

My face was filthy
and I got hypnotized 
by the bathroom.

I love some of the word games that she’s doing here. And I love some of the crazy images. This comes from the girl who described feeling dizzy as “feeling like a pancake being flipped in the air.”  I simply adore her.

Kid Lit Blog Hop

About Erika

Worked in film and TV for several years before having my two wonderful children. Now I try to bring that creative input into my home to raise my kids. Hope you enjoy following this journey!
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  1. She is widely adored – not just by her parents. She seems to be an arts creature: dance, drama and now poetry. Good for her!

    • She is so creative! Her imagination is just something to behold. I’m so enjoying seeing how her mind works. I can’t wait to see what little surprises lay in store for us with little Mr. A.

  2. This is so funny! I can just imagine a little five year old saying this!

  3. What a funny, creative poem!

  4. LOL, you had me chuckling all the way through. Love the way her little mind works. Bravo
    Thanks so much for joining us on the Kid Lit Blog Hop

  5. She’s got quite the talent 🙂 An adorable poem!

  6. You had me at potty and poem :)) That was a great poem !
    I think this book will be a hit at my house for sure! My little one loves all things rhyme and verse.. so I am always looking out for books with poetry themes for her to read.
    -Reshama @Stackingbooks

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