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Witches and Fairies Book Review

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Witches and FairiesTomorrow’s Halloween, and I remembered I had Witches and Fairies by Eva Montanari, both written and illustrated by her. I had to write a review, in order to bring this little gem to attention. It is an import and it can be found both in English and in Spanish.

The book tells the story of Clotilda, a girl who has a hat too pointy to be a witch and no stars in her dress or hat to be a fairy. So she just has to make do watching witches and fairies play from the distance. However, the story takes a fun twist in which everyone find themselves being exactly in the same position as Clotilda, and finally can empathize with her and accept her for who she is.

I love the art, and I love the story. As a child I found myself so many times feeling like Clotilda — feeling like I didn’t belong and not being accepted for not fitting in. In a very simple and child friendly way, Montanari gives everyone a taste of what this little outcast feels like.

Inside the Witches and Fairies bookThe illustrations in the book are stylized and full of color. It is a magical world inhabited by long black cats, enchanted princes and tickling stars.

If you have a little one who loves magic, and who is a little bit of a witch and a little bit of a fairy, do try and read this lovely book to stir their imagination.

Kid Lit Blog Hop

About Erika

Worked in film and TV for several years before having my two wonderful children. Now I try to bring that creative input into my home to raise my kids. Hope you enjoy following this journey!
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  1. WOW…what an incredible illustrationist? Illustrator! Haha.
    In a past life, I totally wanted to be an illustrator.

    SHE is good!
    🙂 Anna

  2. Which age range is this for? Sounds right up my granddaughter’s alley, but she is 8 y.o. and already a wonderful reader. Thanks.

    • It is for younger than 8, specially if she is a great reader. But she might enjoy it nonetheless! However, if she’s into the genre, I’d recommend she tries Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke, or Momo, by Michael Ende.

  3. I am blown away by the amazing artwork. This book has a great premise and seems like a marvelous story to share year ’round.

  4. Wow! I love the cover of this book and am intrigued to read the story now I have read your review 🙂


  5. I have to agree.. the art looks super nice! And this looks perfect for a read aloud at class too! Thanks for recommending on KidLitBlogHop!
    -Reshama @ Stackingbooks

    • Reshama, it is a perfect book to read aloud, as the art is spectacular, the story is rather simple, but the meaning profound. Hope you love it as much as we do!

  6. looks like a cute book worth having in parents’ libraries. I am glad to have found your blog through the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Thank you for linking up with us. I a looking forward to exploring more of your posts!


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