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Last Thursday night, Little Miss I, Tiny A and I joined two other moms from our Mom’s Club to go see the LA Zoo Lights Holiday show. This is the first year we’ve done this, and it was a lot of fun! Fortunately for me, the other two moms had much better cameras (and available hands!) than me, so thank you profusely to Krista Lyn for all the beautiful pictures of the entire walk shared on this post!
When we first walked up to the main entrance, we found that it was all covered in colorful snowflakes, glowing in the dark, as you can appreciate from the picture above. Here are two more of my munchkins before the display.
As we all walked in, there was a giant light display that could very well be a steam-punk animal-powered machine, with lit flamingos and a monkey on top.
As we were walking up the ramp, Little Miss I spotted what she called “disco balls,” which were giant blue “snow balls” lit with tons of LED’s.
As we were walking through the shop area, there were some hanging monkeys.
Next we walked to the crocodile pit, where they had a big glowy gator.
And a light scene of some lions, where the kids decided to make their second stop.
Next, the kids spotted some live reindeer! And they also got to touch their horns and feel their skin.
Next to the Reindeer was a sort of lit weeping willow, and I took a picture of the youngest of the group, mesmerized with all the glittering about.
We then moved on to the flamingo area, and the swan waterfalls. It was also lit, and the flamingos looked like shinning pink music notes!
As we were walking towards the bird area, we passed by the elephants, just to be entranced for quite some time with a lights and music show projected onto the statues of 4 elephants. Here are some pictures, but I think by far this was the best of the show! I just wish we had had a good video camera to capture a bit of it!
Reluctantly, we walked away from this show, as it really was hypnotic. There were some candy cane palm trees, as well as a light show in the sky with jumping frogs and flying birds, but none of the pictures taken made the cut.
The next display we found, almost to the end of the walk, was of light-changing recycled bottles of water. They looked really pretty!
Krista also gave me this picture of a bunch of decorated Christmas trees, but I didn’t see them… so I have no idea where they fit in the walk.
On the way back, with a bunch of very hungry little guys, we stopped at the multi-cultural holiday greeting signs. The Happy Kwanza one didn’t turn out that great, so I’m not including it.
It was a lovely experience to share with my little ones, and everyone else was also pretty excited and happy to have come. I’m looking forward to doing this again next year, and hopefully this time we can manage to bring Daddy with us! The walk takes about 90 minutes, and is only one restaurant open for dinner — the rest of the restaurants in the place are for drinks and light desserts only. The LA Zoo Lights will be running until January 4th, and it is from 6 PM to 10 PM.
NOTE: No compensation was given for this post. All opinions are mine.
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That looks like so much fun! I’m actually thinking about taking pumpkin after Xmas so maybe it will be less crowded. haha Such cute pictures of your family!
It was great! It’s a very nice show for the kids. Dress Pumpkin warm and try to do it early too 🙂 I hope that after Christmas it will be less crowded! Thanks for dropping by 😉