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Banshee and Molten Chocolate cakes

After a long hiatus because of the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, we’re finally resuming our Friday cooking class with the kids! This time I dug out a recipe for Molten Chocolate Cakes I put together from a Belgian Cook book , also known as Chocolate Lava Cakes. I first … Continue reading

Making and decorating Gingerbread Men

Last Friday, I got the kids together for some Christmas baking, so we set to bake and decorate Gingerbread Men. As the day approaches for the Gingerbread house party, I decided to try two different types of Gingerbread: This week’s is inspired in a Gourmet magazine recipe that can be … Continue reading

Our Gingerbread House Tradition

Every year, since my daughter was born, I started our Gingerbread House Family tradition. As soon as December starts, we begin putting together our little Gingerbread House party to share with friends the joy of decorating these sweet treats. I’m not religious, so I don’t really celebrate Christmas. My parents … Continue reading

Mis Cuentos Ilustrados Favoritos en Español

El mes pasado hice una lista de mis libros preferidos de miedo para niños.  Desde hace tiempo llevaba queriendo hacer lo mismo con mis cuentos ilustrados favoritos en español. Así que acá va la lista de las historias más hermosas con dibujos increíbles para despertar la imaginación de cualquier niño. … Continue reading