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Discovering the Science of Yeast

Playing with Yeast It’s been a long time since we last had Make Day and cook up some science experiments for the kids, so we decided to literally cook this time and explore the Science of Yeast. To do so, we planned to do the same bread recipe 3 times, … Continue reading

Our Gingerbread House Tradition

Every year, since my daughter was born, I started our Gingerbread House Family tradition. As soon as December starts, we begin putting together our little Gingerbread House party to share with friends the joy of decorating these sweet treats. I’m not religious, so I don’t really celebrate Christmas. My parents … Continue reading

Alternative Princess Picture Books

Giving girls an alternative to Disney Princesses Ever since my daughter started preschool, at the tender age of 2, she fell in love with Disney Princess craze. I love fantasy, and I love fairy tales. I just couldn’t sit down and see how everything around my house turned into pink … Continue reading